Guilford County will assist in finding the following information:
- Whether the property is in an SFHA.
- The community number.
- The panel number and suffix.
- The date of the FIRM’s index (cover panel)
- The FIRM zone e.g., A, C, X, V, AE, A2, AO etc.
- The base flood elevation (the depth in AO Zones) where shown on the FIRM.
- The elevation datum used on the FIRM, if other than the NGVD.
- Floodway data.
- The approximate depth of flooding.
- Any historical information about the property that we may have.
- Any information about streams and wetlands on the property.
More information is available at:
Guilford County Floodplain Management:
National Flood Insurance Program:
NC Flood Insurance Rate Maps:

Floodplain Brochure