Do you know a Greensboro Regional REALTOR® who deserves to be recognized? Nominate a REALTOR® you know for any of the awards below! Nominations are due by the First Friday in October.
This award honors outstanding GRRA members who have contributed consistent and outstanding service to our Association since becoming a member. These individuals have provided their time, talents and enthusiasm, which have an enduring effect on the Association.
This award goes to a member who has demonstrated “initiative, enthusiasm and originality” and has put in extra hours of work in committee endeavors.
The Associate of the Year award is presented to an Associate member who has made outstanding volunteer contributions to GRRA. The candidate should exhibit professionalism and success in their Business and Association activities.
This award honors outstanding REALTORS® or lenders within our industry and association who have contributed consistent and outstanding service to our profession in the areas of development, environment or government, and/or leadership which have an enduring effect upon the real estate profession.
Recognizes a member whose unselfish participation and efforts in non-industry activities have been exemplary in charitable, civic, religious, educational or political affairs. Recipient is also someone who has had a strong influence in the enhancements of the arts, athletics or recreation for the benefit of the public.
This award honors a person from the Greensboro Regional REALTORS® Association or the community-at-large whose ideas, research, actions and leadership have created a positive impact on the Guilford County development community and the community-at-large.
Recognizes an outstanding REALTOR® member's efforts in the area of Fair Housing. Candidate is a REALTOR® in good standing and an active participant in affirmative fair housing activities.
To honor a public servant who has contributed consistent and outstanding service to our REALTOR Industry. This individual has provided his/her time, talents and enthusiasm to benefit the real estate industry and has had an enduring effect not only on our association, but also upon the Guilford County community-at-large.
The purpose of this award is to recognize an outstanding REALTOR® member of the GRRA who has had significant accomplishments in REALTOR® association activities (local, state and national) and/or civic activities.
GRRA Rising Star Award Nomination
To recognize a REALTOR® in GRRA who has been a REALTOR® for five years or less and who has provided exemplary service to the local, state and national Associations and exhibits leadership potential.
1. All REALTOR® members who have been a REALTOR® for five years or less are eligible for the award.
2. Only one winner may be submitted by an office.
3. All winners must have the official sanction of their office. A letter reporting the office’s action must accompany winner information.
4. Rising Star Winner’s Information Form must be submitted to the GRRA Office by the First Friday in October
5. Individual office winners will be recognized at the GRRA Awards luncheon, along with the rest of the GRRA Award winners.